張惠妹 – 偷故事的人 – 裝醉

聽了張惠妹的「偷故事的人」專輯那麼多次後,最吸引我的是這首「裝醉」。這首歌節奏感極佳,有很好的groove律動。也因此它比較耐聽,不會那麼快聽膩,新鮮感保存期較久。情歌聽一陣子後都會聽到累,對歌顯疲態但像這種R&B藍調曲風的歌沒那麼容易產生疲憊,耐聽度較久。I’m most attracted to this track after giving A-mei’s album so many spins. Because it’s got a good groove and that’ll mean a longer shelf life of the song before you get tired of it. Ballads get tiring to listen to after a while but a R&B bluesy track like this is much more durable.

#阿妹 #張惠妹 #张惠妹 #偷故事的人 #樂評 #乐评 #裝醉 #装醉 #Amei